Ex-Evangelical Conversations: Novelist and Journalist Josiah Hesse

There's really no one else like journalist and novelist Josiah Hesse, author of the ongoing Carnality series, in the Exvangelical community, or, presumably, anywhere. His literary work exhibits a dark brilliance, he has an evocative way with words and striking aesthetic sensibilities, and he has been a pioneer both in the production of what could … Continue reading Ex-Evangelical Conversations: Novelist and Journalist Josiah Hesse

Ex-Evangelical Conversations: Singer-Songwriter David Bazan

David Bazan is a man who needs little introduction in ex-Evangelical circles. In his career as frontman for indie group Pedro the Lion and as a solo artist, Bazan has consistently set strikingly intimate lyrics to haunting melodies, not eschewing doubt and darkness even when he was a Christian artist. Bazan's authenticity was and is … Continue reading Ex-Evangelical Conversations: Singer-Songwriter David Bazan